Hello everyone, in this article, we will dockerize a PrestaShop e-commerce application, let’s dive into it :
- Create a folder name it “myE-shop”
mkdir myE-shop
2. Download Prestashop from the official website here
3. Move the Prestashop zip to our folder “myE-shop” and unzip it
mv prestashop_1.7.6.3.zip [path]/myE-shop
unzip prestashop_1.7.6.3.zip
4. Within the myE-shop folder create a Dockerfile
touch Dockerfile
5. Setup the build in the Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:18.04# Install.
sed -i 's/# \(.*multiverse$\)/\1/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get -y upgrade && \
apt-get install -y build-essential && \
apt-get install -y software-properties-common && \
apt-get install -y byobu curl git htop man unzip vim wget && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get upgrade
RUN apt-get install -y apache2 libapache2-mod-php
RUN apt install -y php unzip
RUN apt-get install -y php-cli php-common php-mbstring php-gd php-intl php-xml php-mysql php-zip php-curl php-xmlrpcCOPY . /var/www/html:rw
COPY ./config/presta.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
RUN a2enmod rewrite# Define working directory.
WORKDIR /var/www/html# Define default command.
6. Create the ./config/presta.conf file
mkdir config
touch config/presta.conf
7. Setup Apache server config in presta.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/htmlErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined<Directory /var/www/html >
AllowOverride All
8. Create docker-compose-template.yml
touch docker-compose-template.yml
9. Setup docker services in docker-compose-template.yml file
version: '2'services:
image: mysql:5.7
- .env
- ./.docker/data/mysql/:/var/lib/mysql
- ./.docker/logs/mysql/:/var/log/mysql
- "3306:3306"
container_name: presta_mysql
image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
- 8080:80
- .env
PMA_HOST: mysql
VIRTUAL_HOST: phpmyadmin.presta.local
container_name: presta_phpmyadminapp_dev:
container_name: presta_app
build: .
- VIRTUAL_HOST=app.presta.local
volumes :
- ./:/var/www/html:rw
restart: always
- 80:80
- "mysql:presta_mysql"
10. Create .env file for defining the environment variables
touch .env
11. Define the environment variables in .env file
12. Now let’s build our application. Within the folder “myE-shop” start the docker-compose build.
docker-compose -f docker-compose-template.yml up --build
13. Check if all containers are up
docker ps
Now navigate to http://localhost
14. Let’s connect to our presta_app and setup permission right
docker exec -ti presta_app bash
15. Setup permission
chown www-data:www-data -R .
Now refresh your browser page
16. Choose the language and continue.
17. Agree to the license and continue
18. Fill in the information and contiinue
19. We need to connect persta_app to mySql service, so first connect to out mySql container
docker exec -ti presta_mysql bash
then connect to mysql server
# Username: root
# Password: root
mysql -u root -p
Lastly, create the new user
CREATE USER 'ps_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'user';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'ps_user'@'%';
P.S -: If you face this error message while creating the nez user
File './mysql/user.MYD' not found (Errcode: 13 - Permission denied)
Then change the permission right as follow
chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql
Recreate the new user again in step 19
Go back to the browser and fill the correct information and click on “test your database connection now!” if it shows “Database is connected” then we can continue to the next step
Wait for the database setup to finish
Once done
Visit http://localhost
Yaay the website is up, in order to visit admin page, we need to remove the install folder
rm -r install/
Visit http://localhost/admin
Then log in to your account with the email addresse and password seted up in the previous steps.
Congratulation your e-commerce website is set and ready to be customized and deployed.
The Github link to the source code here
Hope you found this article helpful.